On 2017-02-19, ted....@comcast.net <ted....@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hello
> I just updated the 2/18 snapshot for amd64 (6.0 GENERIC.MP#178 amd64).
> After updating, I updated all the packages.
> Now, I cannot login to imap.
> I am using postfix, courier-imap, with mysql (mariadb).
> I recall that when I set this up 2 years ago, I used the command line 
> "encrypt" function to create the password hashes that were inserted in the 
> mysql user table for authentication.
> Since all my user accounts cannot access imap, I wondered if something had 
> changed in the hashing.  So, I used "encrypt" on the password, and got a 
> different hash than I did originally.
> for example, last year the hash (of one password) started with 
> "$2b$08$GbrcrMOiXb..." and now it starts with "$2b$10$9xJ8rv1D..."
> I tried changing the hash in the database, restarting mysql, courier (imap, 
> authd), postfix; but am unable to login to imap.
> I keep getting login failures.
> Any help would be really appreciated.
> Thanks
> Ted

Is it this?


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