
I've come accross a strange parsing issue where if you have "modulate
state" set, then "set state-defaults pflow" does not set "(pflow)".

For example, the below dummy config :

set state-defaults pflow
table <foo> {,}
table <bar> {}
pass in inet proto tcp from any to any port 1
pass in inet proto {tcp,udp} from any to any port 2
pass in inet proto {tcp,udp} from <foo> to <bar> port 3
pass in inet proto tcp from any to any port 4 modulate state
pass in inet proto {tcp,udp} from any to any port 5 modulate state
pass in inet proto {tcp,udp} from <bar> to <foo> port 6 modulate state

Yields the following :

$ pfctl -nvf pf.test  | fgrep -v -e "(pflow)" -e "table <"
pass in inet proto tcp from any to any port = 4 flags S/SA modulate state
pass in inet proto tcp from any to any port = 5 flags S/SA modulate state
pass in inet proto udp from any to any port = 5
pass in inet proto tcp from <bar> to <foo> port = 6 flags S/SA modulate state
pass in inet proto udp from <bar> to <foo> port = 6

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