> I dont want loadbalancing here! I need to seperate the hosting of the domain
> to diffrent machines because of som software that is running on one of the
> machines but is not needed on the other one.

Something like that ?

# cat /etc/relayd.conf  

table <myapp> { }
table <myapp2> { }

http protocol "httpsproxy" {
  match request quick header "Host" value "app.mydomain.fr" forward to <myapp> 
  match request quick header "Host" value "app2-0.mydomain.fr" forward to 
  match request quick header "Host" value "www.mydomain.fr" forward to <myapp2> 
  match request quick header "Host" value "app2-1.mydomain.fr" forward to 

relay "proxy" {
  listen on $ext_addr port 443 tls
  protocol "httpsproxy"

  forward with tls to <myapp2> port 443
  forward with tls to <myapp> port 443

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