Quoting Markus Rosjat <ros...@ghweb.de>:

Hi there,

I followed the example on http://bgp-spamd.net/client/bgpd.html an tried to setup bgpd. the daemon started without problem but when I try to fetch IPs it doesnt seem to work for me.

$ doas bgpctl show rib community 65066:666
flags: * = Valid, > = Selected, I = via IBGP, A = Announced, S = Stale
origin: i = IGP, e = EGP, ? = Incomplete

flags destination          gateway          lpref   med aspath origin

I would expect a list of IPs here or did I missed a point somewere on the way? I simply enabled bgpd without some special flags.

$ doas rcctl enable bgpd
$ doas rcctl get bgpd
$ doas rcctl start bgpd

here is the bgpd.conf

spam_rs1="" # rs.bgp-spamd.net
spam_rs2="" # eu.bgp-spamd.net

AS 65517

fib-update no               # mandatory, to not update
                            # the local routing table

group "spam-bgp" {
    remote-as $spamASN
    multihop 64
    announce none           # Do not send any route updates
    neighbor $spam_rs1
    neighbor $spam_rs2

# 'match' is required, to remove entries when routes are withdrawn
match from group "spam-bgp" community $spamASN:42 set pftable "bgp_spamd_bypass"
match from group "spam-bgp" community $spamASN:666 set pftable "bgp_spamd"

In my pf.conf I just have the tables defined without any rules for the tables.

I can also ping the bgp-spamd servers.

So any advice would be helpful here :)


Markus Rosjat    fon: +49 351 8107223    mail: ros...@ghweb.de

G+H Webservice GbR Gorzolla, Herrmann
Königsbrücker Str. 70, 01099 Dresden

fon: +49 351 8107220   fax: +49 351 8107227

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I have something like

         :msg="Your address %A has sent mail to a spamtrap\n\
          within the last 24 hours":\

in /etc/mail/spamd.conf

and a cron job /bin/sh /etc/mail/bgp-spamd.black.sh which has


bgpctl show rib community ${AS}:666 |
        sed -e '1,4d' -e 's/\/.*$//' -e 's/[ \*\>]*//' > /var/mail/spamd.black



Just double checked and can see it is being updated.

$ ls -l /var/mail/spamd.black
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  233006 May  8 05:20 /var/mail/spamd.black

Hope this helps,


Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
ForeTell Technologies Limited

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