Weird thing I can't seem to figure out...

Is there a reason that the font sizes (and graphs themselves) on the graphs
created via MRTG/RRD would be small and ugly due to using the pre-compiled
package vs a "compiled from source" implementation of the RRDtool package?

On a number of boxes (OpenBSD 3.5 to 3.8), I see this consistantly.  For
example, I have the pre-compiled package for the OS version for MRTG (ex:
mrtg-2.10.13 on 3.5, mrtg-2.12.2 on 3.8).  On one box I use the pre-compiled
RRDtool package, rrdtool-1.0.49, and on another I use a "compiled from
source" RRDtool (same version, rrdtool-1.0.49; I guess it doesn't change
much from one to another).  On the box that has the 'compiled from source'
RRD, the graphs created have normal, easily read letters and numbers (the
'bits per second' thing on the left side of the graph, or the 10/20/30Mb/s
levels, etc), but on the box with the package version of RRD, the letters
are very tiny and squished together.  Also, the graphs themselves seem to be
larger, and/or seem to resize themselves based on the monitor size; on the
box with the packaged RRD, they stay tiny regardless if the video card
setting is 800x600 or 1280x1024.

This is easily replicated across different hardware.

There's not any diff I can see in regards to "installed fonts".  In fact,
the box that has a pretty set of graphs has fewer installed font (and
otherwise) packages.

Here's some of the particulars:

Box with pretty MRTG fonts and graphs:
1) OpenBSD 3.5
2) MRTG installed via package
3) RRDtool compiled locally (1.0.49)

List of all pre-compiled installed packages:
arping-1.07         ARP level ping utility
bash-2.05b          GNU Bourne Again Shell
fping-2.2b1         quickly ping N hosts w/o flooding the network
freetype-1.3.1p1    free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
gd-1.8.3            graphics library for fast PNG creation
gettext-0.10.40p1   GNU gettext
jpeg-6b             IJG's JPEG compression utilities
libiconv-1.9.1      character set conversion library
libnet-1.0.2a       raw IP packet construction library
login_ldap-3.3      provide ldap authentication type
mrtg-2.10.13        multi-router traffic grapher
nmap-3.50-no_x11    scan ports and fingerprint stack of network hosts
ntp-4.1.74          network time protocol implementation
openldap-client-2.1.27 Open source LDAP software (client)
p5-Pod-Escapes-1.03 library to resolve perl Pod escape sequences
p5-Pod-Simple-2.05  framework for parsing the Perl Pod format
p5-SNMP_Session-0.99 provides rudimentary access to remote SNMP agents
pcre-4.5            perl-compatible regular expression library
pftop-0.4           curses-based real time state and rule display for pf
pine-4.58           program for Internet E-mail and News
pktstat-1.7.3b      network traffic viewer
png-1.2.5p2         library for manipulating PNG images
tacacs+-4.0.4ap0    Cisco AAA protocol daemon
ucd-snmp-4.2.6      extendible SNMP implementation
wget-1.8.2          retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP

Box with UGLY MRTG fonts and graphics:
1) OpenBSD 3.8
2) MRTG installed via package
3) RRDtool installed via package

List of all pre-compiled installed packages:
bash-3.0.16p1       GNU Bourne Again Shell
cvsweb-2.0.6p1      WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees
esound-0.2.34       sound library for Enlightenment
expect-5.43.0       sophisticated scripter based on Tcl/Tk
fping-2.2b1         quickly ping N hosts w/o flooding the network
freetype-1.3.1p1    free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
gd-1.8.3            graphics library for fast PNG creation
gettext-0.10.40p3   GNU gettext
glib-1.2.10p0       useful routines for C programming
gtk+-1.2.10p3       General Toolkit for X11 GUI
jpeg-6bp2           IJG's JPEG compression utilities
libaudiofile-0.2.6  SGI audiofile library clone
libiconv-1.9.2p1    character set conversion library
mozilla-firefox-1.0.6p3 redesign of Mozilla's browser component
mozilla-thunderbird-1.0.6 redesign of the integrated Mozilla App-Suite mail
mrtg-2.12.2         multi-router traffic grapher
mysql-client-4.0.24 multithreaded SQL database (client)
nagios-2.0b4p0      host and service monitor
nagios-plugins-1.4.1 nagios base plugins
nagios-plugins-fping-1.4.1p0 fping plugin
nagios-plugins-mysql-1.4.1p0 mysql plugin
nagios-plugins-snmp-1.4.1p0 plugins using snmp
nagios-web-2.0b4    cgis and webpages for nagios
ncftp-3.1.9         ftp replacement with advanced user interface
net-snmp-5.1.3p0    extendable SNMP implementation
p5-Crypt-DES-2.03   interface to the DES encryption algorithm
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-Digest-SHA1-2.10 module to calculate SHA1 digests
p5-Net-SNMP-4.0.3   Perl modules to access SNMP
p5-Pod-Escapes-1.04 library to resolve perl Pod escape sequences
p5-Pod-Simple-3.02  framework for parsing the Perl Pod format
p5-SNMP_Session-1.07 provides rudimentary access to remote SNMP agents
pine-4.63           program for Internet E-mail and News
png-1.2.8           library for manipulating PNG images
rrdtool-1.0.49      system to store and display time-series data
sdl-1.2.8p0-sun     cross-platform multimedia library
sdl-ttf-2.0.6       SDL TrueType fonts library
tcl-8.4.7p1         Tool Command Language
tk-8.4.7            graphical toolkit for Tcl


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