Early this morning I sent a private message to the OP to understand why he was 
asking this question. It looked from his reply that the objective was to find 
whether someone had entered the same IP address on different workstations and 
accessed some unauthorized site. 

Not sure if the following is a good suggestion but I thought if he looked at 
/var/log/messages on his firewall he may be able to see stuff such as:

Jun 23 01:53:12 fw1 /bsd: arp info overwritten for by 
58:55:ca:43:83:91 on em0

Jun 23 01:53:12 fw1 /bsd: arp info overwritten for by 
00:f7:6f:d4:3d:b6 on em0

etc. and correlate back.


Sent from my iPhone

>> On Jun 23, 2017, at 06:47, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
>> On 2017-06-23, Indunil Jayasooriya <induni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there any way to get an MAC address of a PC that was connected to
>> OpenBSD PF box but now it is NOT connect to.
> If the PF box was serving DHCP and the PC fetched its address that way,
> it will likely still be in the lease database, /var/db/dhcpd.leases.
> If this is something which might come up again in the future, you can
> run arpwatch (in ports), but it's no time machine.

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