Hello Everyone,

I am pretty new to the networking world. But as a sysadmin, I am thoroughly appreciating pf and OpenBSD as a whole. I think I may have fallen in love.

My question is about BOOTP. I've always heard it in the context of PXE booting, but as I was configuring it in dhcpd.conf, I got that weird tickling sensation that made me think there might be more to it. And indeed the Wikipedia article[1] indicates that it at least /was/ used for more and is largely, though not entirely, superseded-by/merged-into DHCP.

I've read the man page for dhcpd.conf, and it seems to strongly imply/assume that one would only use BOOTP support for PXE, but it isn't entirely explicit on that point.

So my question is: will "allow/deny bootp;" in dhcpd.conf enable/disable anything other than PXE support?

Thank you for your time.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrap_Protocol

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