
I've been playing around with vmm(4) on 6.1 and have noticed a few
things that seem odd.

Take the following vm.conf:
switch "local" {
    add vether0
vm "test.vm" {
    boot $ramdisk
    owner los
    memory 2G
    disk "/home/los/vmm/test.vm.img"
    interface { switch "local" }

Doing vmd -n yields:
/etc/vm.conf:6: syntax error

Removing the boot line yields a warning about unused macro (referring
to ramdisk).

So now my config is:
switch "local" {
    add vether0
vm "test.vm" {
    owner los
    memory 2G
    disk "/home/los/vmm/test.vm.img"
    interface { switch "local" }

vmd(8) is happy and am expecting
vmctl start "test.vm" -b "/home/los/vmm/bsd.rd-current" -c
to work since all the other params have been defined in vm.conf.

Instead I get:
vmctl: starting without disks
vmctl: starting without network interfaces
vmctl: start vm command failed: Operation not permitted

Increasing verbose log on vmd gets me:
/etc/vm.conf:4: switch "local" registered
/etc/vm.conf:11: vm "test.vm" registered (disabled)
vm_priv_brconfig: interface bridge0 description switch1-local
vm_priv_brconfig: interface bridge0 add vether0
vmd_configure: not creating vm test.vm (disabled)
denied request 3 from uid 1000

However, if I perform a "doas vmctl start...." first (along with
install) and then define it in vm.conf, "vmctl start 'test.vm'" works as

What is the expected workflow for vmm?

Any ideas on why the boot $ramdisk line is error'ing out?


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