> > P.S.
> > There is no good reason to insult Todd
> I don't know him, I might've heard of him once. Needless to say, the
> insult obviously wasn't personal.
> > for running spamd(8), which
> > is a standard tool and less annoying than some others.
> How do you find 'Hello, spam sender. Pleased to be wasting your time.'
> anything but a grave insult to someone who takes the trouble to manually
> send e-mail?
> > Managing
> > completely open mailing lists is a very difficult, a tiresome, and
> > a thankless job, in particular for popular lists like the OpenBSD
> > ones, and i'm quite glad the service has been running so smoothly
> > all these years.
> I do appreciate that, and I don't complain much if messages get delayed
> because of it.
> But when I take the time and effort to not bother people with mangled
> subject lines, and I'm just called a spammer and effectively dismissed,
> then I call the responsible admin a jerkass for it.
> 'cause that's the feeling it evokes in me, even if it's through the
> machine.

Then please demonstrate your sensitivity by stopping use of the
OpenBSD project's mailing lists.

Obviously what I'm saying isn't a personal insult.  I just came
to the conclusion you are a loudmouthed jackass.

So go away.

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