You are a legend.  Got it working with that!

Thank you so much, saved me a bigger headache!

p.s. Still, looking at the man page that really is not obvious where it 
mentions [realm] and [htpasswd].  I read it totally differently, that the 
htpasswd is a location to a file and not just a declaration to look for a file 
in the current dir named htpasswd etc.  I wonder where did "Secure Area" came 
from too, 'realm' is mentioned but I had not a clue what it even was.  I still 
don't.  I cannot stand the man page for httpd.conf - so much frustration for me.

> -------- Original Message --------
> You may find this helpful:
> On 9/16/17, <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Can someone with knowledge of OpenBSD"s HTTPD please tell me how to properly
>> set up a password protected directory and where you found ALL of the
>> information to do so. I am really struggling to find enough information
>> within the man pages to even make it work corrctly. I want to love the man
>> pages, I really do, but.. Yeah, you get the drift - frustration.
>> Thanks and regards.
> [snip]

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