"Raul Miller" <rauldmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And if I search, I can find a tremendous variety of other elaborate
> approaches, including replacements for xargs. So it's not like this is
> not a real issue, nor is it like this isn't something that grows new
> handlings on an ongoing basis.

Unfortunately, especially in the modern world, alternatives keep popping 
up where none are really needed. Made that mistake plenty of time in my
lunix days, reinventing something only to then discover that there was a
simpler way to do things that I should've used.

Now, I'm not saying your problem isn't real: indeed, I'm sure it's the
kind of corner case where UNIX shows its age.

I don't think bloating already funky programs like xargs(1) with more
options is the solution though. IMO, you'd indeed better be looking for
a replacement.

Or writing one.


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