Yes, this may well be the problem: easier to understand if we speak of teddy 
bear, much harder if we speak
of software upgrades! And yet, here we are...

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On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 02:17, <> wrote:

> I wrote: > > In that case, I'd interpret the beancounter's reponse as 'have 
> to make > sacrifices, don't we? *sigh*'. I amend that. Isn't it just loss? We 
> experienced techies try not to allow ourselves to get too attached to an 
> environment, don't we? But hasn't there been a 'first time' this has 
> happened, for us all? And were *we* that prepared for it? It's like a 
> replacement teddy bear, isn't it? The old one might be in pieces and still 
> the new one won't ever feel as real. Or one's first love. It never quite 
> feels the same again, does it? Perhaps a shared drink to mark the transition 
> will help the grieving process along a little. I could still be all wrong, so 
> I'll just shut up for now and see what others have to say. --schaafuit.

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