Philippe Meunier writes:
> - When the precompose resource is set to false, copy-pasting the result of
>   printf "e\xcc\x81\n" never works correctly in xterm, regardless of
>   whether I use TrueType fonts or not.  xterm copy-pastes the correct
>   sequence of bytes but that sequence is not displayed correctly.  That's a
>   bug in xterm.

I get slightly different results: with TrueType fonts enabled, LC_CTYPE
set to en_US.UTF-8, and precompose disabled, accents are not displayed,
but they do copy and paste correctly. I tested this on a fresh install as
well as my desktop. I haven't been able to trigger the results you're
getting (best guess: your LC_CTYPE is unset or set funny? But I don't get
the same results even then).

> - In addition, when the precompose resource is set to false and TrueType
>   fonts are used, the result of printf "e\xcc\x81\n" itself is wrong (even
>   before trying to copy-paste it): od(1) shows that the correct sequence of
>   bytes is printed but it is displayed without accent.  That's another bug
>   in xterm.  The result is displayed correctly when the precompose resource
>   is set to true.

Yes, this matches what I'm seeing.

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