I am afraid I cannot do that. The client app does not include a control panel 
option. There also seems to be a problem with mime handling by the list's own 
software. There is nothing I can do.


Sent from ProtonMail Mobile

On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 19:12, Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Q2xpY2sgb24gc3RpY2tlcnMuCgpodHRwczovL3d3dy5wYXJhbGxlbGxhLm9y > 
>> Zy9idXkvCgpEbyB0aGUgc2FtZSBhbmQgYmUgaGFwcHku Man, please quit using that 
>> encoding of ASCII mail. Many people told you that is useless and it is not 
>> use by mainstream servers. Please have a try and disable this, you are 
>> killing the internet email list for nothing ! There is no benefit in using 
>> that sht. Thanks.

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