On Wed, 06 Dec 2017 00:06:14 -0500
Joseph Mayer <joseph.ma...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Here is how to make ProtonMail compatible with misc@:
> Click "Settings" up to the right.
> Click the "Appearance" tab in the menu.
> Under the "Composer mode" section there's a dropdown with two
> options, it's preset to "Normal".
> Switch it to "Plain Text".
> This email was sent from ProtonMail. I presume it's in the format
> everyone wants.

Almost there, but still violating second part of the first rule: 72
characters per line ;)

Claws-mail inserts line breaks automatically.
Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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