On Fri, 5 Jan 2018 00:18:12 +0900
Bryan Linton <b...@shoshoni.info> wrote:

> Hello misc@
> I have a friend who runs Windows who has asked me if there is any
> way we can occasionally communicate with each other via some kind 
> of video-conferencing application similar to what programs like
> Skype and Facetime provide.
> Does such a thing already exist for OpenBSD?

Do you mean client software that connects from both Windows and
OpenBSD to public videoconferencing services, or self-hosted
videoconferencing server? I don't know about the former, but as for
latter, I am testing two different approaches:
- nextcloud with webrtc: [https://nextcloud.com/webrtc/]
- matrix/synapse: [https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse]

Nextcloud with webrtc should work on OpenBSD. Matrix/Synapse has
FreeBSD port, I don't know about OpenBSD.

Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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