On 1/4/18 11:46 AM, Marcus MERIGHI wrote:
> andreasthu...@gmail.com (Andreas Thulin), 2018.01.04 (Thu) 15:17 (CET):
>> Thought I'd create an OpenBSD wiki somewhere, where anyone (especially
>> existing tutorials become outdated, and was thinking that a wiki would
>> make updates easier.  
> You don't know you are standing on an ancient battle ground :-)
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=141611711607893

This is NOT officially bless and it is old as the site say this is for
the community to do it, but I did that in 2004 after I was fed up with
all these comments that it should be done.


I thought to delete it for many years now but that was an exercise in
shut up and hack mentality.

Only 2 person step in 15 years to do anything and they did it may be 3
or 4 times.

The site is total SHIT!!!

But it is there is show how useless all these comments are as talks is
cheap, but doing the work, not so much.

> I dare to forecast the answer: 
> If there's a lack of documentation, improve it in-place, send patches.

Obviously that wasn't a wiki, 15 years is a long time but it's proven
the point everyone talks and no one does the work.

> Do not expect anyone to be grateful if you put information out on the
> web and misc@ gets the spam because your four year old examples do not
> work anymore.

Amen. misc@ get a lots of crap and frankly I must admit the devs have a
very think skin to take all the sad comments you see on it.

I thought many times to delete the site, just kept it for the joke if it
I guess.

But if anyone was actually serious and I really don;t think anyone is
yet after 15 years then it could be changed.

I would be more then happy to redo it and host it like this at Equinix
in Ashburn Virginia where I have over 125 network peering connections so
connectivity is not the issue, doing the work is.

If anyone comes with a decent setup that work, I would be more then
happy to find it a home and even give some restricted shell access to
that person/persons if that's actually serious.

But experience has proven it time and time again when the subject come
up, it will die soon.

Going back under my rock...

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