On 2018-02-04, mazocomp <mazoc...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> I tried updating both /usr/src and /usr/ports with OpenCVS. It worked,
> but it also downloaded empty directories (GNU CVS never did that):
> $ ls /usr/src/
> CVS            Makefile.cross distrib        games          include
> kerberosV      libexec        regress        share          usr.bin
> Makefile       bin            etc            gnu            kerberosIV
> lib            lkm            sbin           sys            usr.sbin
> $ ls /usr/src/kerberosIV/man/
> $ ls /usr/ports/www/vimb/
> CVS     patches pkg
> $
> My ~/.cvsrc is:
> # $OpenBSD: dot.cvsrc,v 1.3 2016/10/31 20:50:11 tb Exp $
> #
> diff -uNp
> update -Pd
> checkout -P
> rdiff -u

Need more information on exactly what you did, I just did a test checkout
using opencvs and it works as expected here.

(Whereas gnu cvs *does* download and create the empty directories, and then
if you used -P it goes through at the end to remove them again).

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