Dear Erling,

Thank you.

I did that. I actually set both LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE.

It was helpful that you stated it worked for you. I used your
information and investigated more. It turned out that the problem was
in the shell that I use.

I use C shell, csh. When I change the shell to Bourne shell, sh, I am
able to type æ, ø, and å.

Could you check whether you can reproduce my problem by entering csh
and typing æ, ø, and å? If it is confirmed, I think I would like to
file a bug report.


On 2/10/18, Erling Westenvik <> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 07:33:20PM +0000, Xianwen Chen wrote:
>> I am however not able to show or type Norwegian alphabet of ø, å, and
>> æ. ø is shown as C8. å is shown as C%. And æ is shown is C&.
> See Take note of the
> following:
>       If logging in via xenodm(1), add export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
>       to your ~/.xsession before starting the window manager.
> Add the export command to the startup file (before invoking any window
> manager) and restart X. This at least solved my problems with Norwegian
> characters.
> Regards,
> Erling
>> I tried to copi ø, å, and æ from SeaMonkey to xterm. The same thing
>> happens.
>> I tried to copy C8, C%, and C& from xterm back to SeaMonkey. They
>> remained two characters as C8, C%, and C&.
>> Please help.
>> Sincerely,
>> Xianwen

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