Thu, 15 Feb 2018 17:23:34 +0000 Kaya Saman <>
> [...]
> just updated now and ran pkg_delete / pkg_install again for pftop /
> pfstat but unfortunately they still come up with the same error.
> [...]

Hi Kaya,

Try this process for pftop and see if this makes a difference for you.
Here is the output from this system, just before the upgrade attempts:

$ pftop
pftop: open("/dev/pf"): Permission denied
$ doas pftop
> Error Reading status (DIOCGETSTATUS): Permission denied
pftop: DIOCGETSTATUS: Permission denied

Here is a typical attempt to upgrade just as you would normally do it:

$ doas pkg_add -vvvvv -ui pftop
Update candidates: pftop-0.7p16 -> pftop-0.7p16
Comparing full signature for pftop-0.7p16 "pftop-0.7p16,0,c.92.3,curses.14.0" 
vs. "pftop-0.7p16,0,c.92.3,curses.14.0":equal
No change in pftop-0.7p16

Then it would (as expected) be the same thing when you try running it.
Now the key part, try to reinstall with some -D flags, see pkg_add(1):

$ doas pkg_add -vvvvv -ur -D installed -D updatedepends -D snap pftop
Update candidates: pftop-0.7p16 -> pftop-0.7p16
parsing pftop-0.7p16
found libspec c.92.3 in /usr/lib
found libspec curses.14.0 in /usr/lib
Tieing man/man8/pftop.8 to man/man8/pftop.8
Looking for changes in shared libraries
No libraries to keep
extract sbin/pftop -> /usr/local/sbin/pkg.2cnHMHvU31
link /usr/local/man/man8/pftop.8 -> /usr/local/man/man8/pkg.WlhSyO0cDy
Running /usr/sbin/makewhatis -u /usr/local/man -- /usr/local/man/man8/pftop.8
deleting: /usr/local/man/man8/pftop.8
deleting: /usr/local/sbin/pftop
moving /usr/local/man/man8/pkg.WlhSyO0cDy -> /usr/local/man/man8/pftop.8
moving /usr/local/sbin/pkg.2cnHMHvU31 -> /usr/local/sbin/pftop
pftop-0.7p16->0.7p16: ok
Read shared items: ok
Clean shared items: ok
Running /usr/sbin/makewhatis -d /usr/local/man -- /usr/local/man/man8/pftop.8
Extracted 185576 from 235298

See the difference, now running it again with $SUDO works as expected.

$ doas pftop

For details of the -D flags to use with pkg_add see the man page here:

Kind regards,
Anton Lazarov

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