> On 1 Mar 2018, at 02:22, Andreas Bartelt <o...@bartula.de> wrote:
> On 02/27/18 22:35, Pavel Korovin wrote:
>> On 02/28, David Gwynne wrote:
>>> what is the status of sysctl net.inet.ipip ?
>> David, thank you! That was easy :)
>> Sorry for the noise.
>> $ sysctl net.inet.ipip.allow
>> net.inet.ipip.allow=0
>> # sysctl -w net.inet.ipip.allow=1
>> net.inet.ipip.allow: 0 -> 1
>> $ ping6 www.google.com
>> PING www.google.com (2a00:1450:4013:c01::67): 56 data bytes
>> 64 bytes from 2a00:1450:4013:c01::67: icmp_seq=0 hlim=48 time=40.500 ms
>> 64 bytes from 2a00:1450:4013:c01::67: icmp_seq=1 hlim=48 time=40.645 ms
>> ^C
> I'm also observing a breakage of a previously working IPv6 tunnelbroker 
> config on current (problem introduced since at least Feb, 23rd).
> The combination of two things made it work again (or at least works around 
> the underlying problem):
> 1) sysctl net.inet.ipip.allow=1 [not yet documented at 
> www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html]
> 2) removing ``set state-policy if-bound'' from my pf.conf [which always 
> worked before with the same tunnelbroker setup]
> According to pflog(4), a ping6 to some destination now looks buggy to me:
> - outgoing icmp6 echo request is only visible on gif(4)
> - incoming icmp6 echo reply is only visible on the underlying physical 
> interface of gif(4)
> which blocks the ping6 in the case of ``set state-policy if-bound''.

i found what i think is the problem.

it turns out the net.inet.ipip.allow sysctl was a red herring. it controls the 
processing of ipip by the network stack, it is not related to whether gif 
should accept packets. the problem was i got the mapping of ip addresses in 
incoming packets to the addresses on the tunnels wrong.

this should be fixed in src/sys/net/if_gif.c r1.112.

sorry for the inconvenience.


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