I'm back with some interesting info :-).

By disabling each acpi module, I've discovered that the problem disappeared
when I disable "acpiprt" in UKC.

Based on the manpage, this module maps the PCI ...

So, I've disabled each PCI.

interrupts are gone when I disable "ichiic" in UKC :-)  .

(When I do not disable it it link to iic and then to spdmem0 (cfr dmesg in
my previous email))

After such desabling, the rest of the machine seams to work. But I have to
check ii more deeply.
At least "Top" says that my 8GB memory are still present

note: my laptop speaker is still making small noise when not muted.

What is this modeule "ichiic" ? What am I missing by disabling it ?
Why this module create interruputs on this Dell machine (e5450) ?
Is there a link with the speaker ?


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