> There is no support for nvidia AGP at the moment.  Someone needs to write
> that or port code from FreeBSD or elsewhere
> https://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/sys/dev/agp/agp_nvidia.c?view=log
> At the moment there is
> agp_ali.c
> agp_amd.c
> agp_apple.c
> agp_i810.c
> agp_intel.c
> agp_sis.c
> agp_via.c

I see. 
What got me confused were dmesg logs of older OpenBSD versions where the same 
Nvidia AGP seemed to be configured -no related errors in it- but I must admit 
that I don't really understand the whole content of those logs.
Too bad.

Thank you very much, Jonathan. 

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