On Mon, Apr 02, 2018 at 03:29:46PM +0800, Kevin Lo wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 01, 2018 at 08:00:16PM +0200, Pau wrote:
> > 
> > Hello:
> Hi,
> > I'm trying to get chrome or firefox display Chinese characters but I'm
> > failing. I have installed zh-wqy-bitmapfont and zh-fonts-kc and then I
> > run
> > fc-cache but they do not show up. In the font menu of chrome I cannot
> > find any option for those fonts to be used. Firefox is fine though.
> > 
> > I also followed this:
> > 
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Multilingual_support_%28East_Asian%29#Other_UNIX_Distributions
> > 
> > without success. Any idea of what I might be doing wrong? Thanks.
> I've noticed a problem when viewing a page with Simplified Chinese characters
> in Chrome, some Simplified Chinese characters can't be displayed properly.
> Works for me after zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf is installed.

The noto-cjk package is probably also a good option for any asian

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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