Nick Guenther wrote:
On 2/1/06, Alexander Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nick Guenther wrote:

I dual boot OpenBSD with Windows and have a third partition for data
which is mounted on /home. The data partition is FAT32 since that's
the only type that both OSes support well.

I am not rally happy to use FAT partitions from OBSD. There has been
recently fixed issues, and I seem to stumble over corruptions from time
to time, and although I cannot be sure that FAT is to blame, I have no
issues when using non-FAT partitions.

Hmm, I know it's not the greatest set up but it lets both OSes live
reasonably harmoniously.

Yeah. I have the same setup on this laptop. :-)
I try to avoid using that partition if I can, though (Thus the "noauto" mount option).

1) how can I set the permissions on /home|why can't I set them?

You cannot. It is not supported by the file system.

From my /etc/fstab:
/dev/wd0p /data msdos rw,-l,-m=777,nodev,nosuid,noauto 0 0
                                                  ^^^^^^ :)

You can add switches like "-m" above.

Ah! Thank you very much. That's exactly what I was looking for. That
little detail isn't explicitly documented anywhere I could see.

Not too simple to spot it, but a combination of the following could give you a hint:

From fstab(5):
  The fourth field, fs_mntops, describes the mount options
  associated with the filesystem. It is formatted as a comma
  separated list of options. It contains at least the type of
  mount (see fs_type below) plus any additional options
  appropriate to the filesystem type.

From mount(8):
  Any additional options specific to a given file system type
  (see the -t option) may be passed as a comma separated list;
  these options are distinguished by a leading ``-'' (dash).
  Options that take a value are specified using the syntax
  -option=value. For example, the mount command:

    # mount -t mfs -o nosuid,-s=4000 /dev/sd0b /tmp

  causes mount to execute the equivalent of:

    # /sbin/mount_mfs -o nosuid -s 4000 /dev/sd0b /tmp

Also, I'm an idiot. I was trying to use chmod while /home was mounted.
The following 'solved' my problem:
#umount /home
#chmod g+w /home
#mount -t msdos -g=users /dev/wd0h /home

This is not really useful, since the properties of a mount point is determined by the mounted file system. E.g:

$ ls -dlF /data
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Sep  7  2004 /data/
$ sudo mount /data
$ ls -dlF /data
drwxrwx---  1 root  staff  4096 Jan  1  1980 /data/
$ grep data /etc/fstab
/dev/wd0p /data msdos rw,-l,-g=staff,-m=770,nodev,nosuid,noauto 0 0

Now since I added all my user accounts to the users group they can all
write to /home. Hooray!

Thank you everyone for your help.

NP! :)


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