Aham Brahmasmi <aham.brahma...@gmx.com> wrote:

> Hello misc,
> Recursive macros which include macros containing certain specific
> characters cause syntax errors.
> Steps
> $ cat pftemp.conf
> forwardslash = "100/10"
> #forwardslashrecursive = $forwardslash
> number = "100"
> numberrecursive = $number
> string = "keep"
> #stringrecursive = $string
> ip = ""
> iprecursive = $ip
> interface = "em0"
> interfacerecursive = $interface
> pass in on $interfacerecursive proto tcp from $iprecursive \
>     $string state \
>     (max-src-conn $numberrecursive, max-src-conn-rate $forwardslash)
> $ pfctl -nf pftemp.conf
> The above pf.conf is validated successfully by pfctl. However, removing
> the comments from the recursive versions of forwardslash and string
> macros cause syntax errors upon validation with pfctl.

You are failing to understand the problem.  Let me try to explain it.

In such a grammer, who consumes the "" marks?

Imagine this was the shell.  (I'm saying the shell, as one potential

set forwardslash="100/10"
echo $forwardslash

No, what you get is

OK, if that is what happens, you would get

forwardslashrecursive = $forwardslash
converts to
forwardslashrecursive = 100/100

Which doesn't parse.

It is a question of who consumes the "".  Is it early, or is it late.
there are grammers which has a "string object" which retains the "" until
very late.  This isn't that grammer.

The domain-specific languages used in OpenBSD utilities don't work that
way, sorry.

We could change it 15 years after the fact, but any change we make
will break millions of configurations.

I should have done it differently back in 2001.

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