Nick Holland wrote:

> Welcome to the REALITY of RAID.
> If you rely on RAID to always work, and never go down, you Just Don't
>  Understand.
> ...
> If hardware breaks, don't expect everything else to keep working.
> sure.  Expect?  No.  I don't care if you are talking about ccd,
> RAIDframe, or hardware RAID.  Your machine can still go down due to a
> disk failure.  People who don't believe me have just been lucky.  So

> Further, if you wait until a disk fails to find out how things work,
> are a fool.  Worst down-time disasters I've seen involved RAID systems
> where people expected magic to happen when something went wrong.

I come from a mainframe world that deals in non stop transaction
That world expects disks to die, and the system to keep on running.

Hardware mirroring is done within a disk controller, and software
is done between controllers.  Software mirror is done largely to protect
from controller failure, not disk failure.  It is the norm in such an
environment to add and remove disks and disk controllers on the fly.

Now, I know I should not expect the reliability on a pc vs. a mainframe,
I have had twice had disks fail on Windows servers using software
and both times those systems survived.  

For about the last three years, whenever I order workstation I always
spend a bit extra to get mirroring. (Its about $25 extra plus the price
of the disk drive) I also advise everyone I know to do the same.
I have yet to have a windows machine die because of a disk failure
when mirrored.  I have also yet to see any loss of  data. I have
had many people thank me for my advise.

I am careful when I set up a software raid. The two disk must be
on separate IDE controllers. The master/slave jumpers screw up
when one disk dies. Even cable select seems to cause troubles.

My believe is if a system dies, as a result of a mirrored disk's
death on a properly configured system, there is bug.

I chose OpenBSD for its security, I use it for my name servers,
fire wall, mail and web, and I have set others up with it for
the same reason.  I completely believe that OpenBSD is the
best choice for protecting again intrusion. I just wish
my data was more security against its loss.


For some strange reason, Microsoft allows mirror, stripping and
concatenation, with disk on the server, but the work station
only allow stripping and concatenation. So hardware mirror is
the only option for XP.

I prefer software mirroring, because it allows for controller failure.
I have had a hardware raid system controllers failure and write
garbage over the disks.  I have also had a power supply screw
up and cause multiple disk failure on another hardware raid
system. Recently I have seen a lot of ide controller failures.

If you use raid you still have to do backups!

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