I am not OVH expert, but from dmesg
I can't see second drive.

I see only sd0 (20480MB) connected to your VirtIO.
Dobule check that both drives are connected.

> why is it mentioning GUID and not disk path ?

It can work with drive names also, i.e:

"/dev/sd0a /"
but name may be changed when you connect drive to different port.
That is why people use unique disk id

Id is written on disklabel, so you can move drive to different port,
making it appear as sd1 or even sd4, and it still be supported.

To check DUID, use disklabel(8):

$ doas disklabel sd0 | grep duid

On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 5:18 PM, Paul Florence <
pflor...@etud.insa-toulouse.fr> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am sending this mail because I currently have a problem with
> OpenBSD 6.2 running on a VM on an OVH server
> (OpenBSD ovhvps.openstacklocal 6.2 GENERIC#132 amd64).
> I followed this tutorial for the installation, since it is not
> natively supported by OVH [0].
> Now my problem is that I have a disk that changed DUID an I can't find it.
> I have two hard-drive : a 20 Gb one for the system, and a 50 Gb one for
> the data. On the OVH control panel both disk are labeled as connected.
> Now this is my  `/etc/fstab` :
> a8e29a56dba81f59.b none swap sw
> a8e29a56dba81f59.a / ffs rw 1 1
> a8e29a56dba81f59.k /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
> a8e29a56dba81f59.d /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
> a8e29a56dba81f59.f /usr ffs rw,nodev 1 2
> a8e29a56dba81f59.g /usr/X11R6 ffs rw,nodev 1 2
> a8e29a56dba81f59.h /usr/local ffs rw,wxallowed,nodev 1 2
> a8e29a56dba81f59.j /usr/obj ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
> a8e29a56dba81f59.i /usr/src ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
> a8e29a56dba81f59.e /var ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
> 00e91f190cdc9d32.a /var/www/data ffs rw,nodev,auto 1 2
> The problem is that upon loading fsck and mount can't find
> `00e91f190cdc9d32`.
> Here is the output of `sysctl -a | grep -i disk` :
> hw.disknames=sd0:a8e29a56dba81f59,fd0:
> hw.diskcount=2
> machdep.bios.diskinfo.128=bootdev = 0xa0000204, \
> cylinders = 1023, heads = 255, sectors = 63
> machdep.bios.diskinfo.129=bootdev = 0xa0010204, \
> cylinders = 1023, heads = 255, sectors = 63
> I also have to mention that at first this setup was working perfectly
> but I had to do a cold reboot and then this problem appeared.
> I hope I didn't make too much grammar mistakes since English is not my
> native language I try to do my best to write as perfectly as possible.
> Please be patient, I am still a student and posting here to learn as
> much as possible. I spent a few weeks searching for solutions, reading
> man pages and trying to understand the root of this problem but I just
> can't figure it out.
> Do you have any idea what should I do to recover this disk and finally
> mount it ? What about my strange fstab file, why is it mentioning GUID
> and not disk path ? Does it comes from my installation process ?
> I attached the output of dmesg to this mail.
> Thanks for your time,
> Paul
> [0] : (https://raby.sh/installing-openbsd-on-ovhs-vps-2016-kvm-mac
> hines.html).

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