- Mirroring on multiple servers, more then 2. Man page said you need an even amount of devices, fair, but all I read look like indicate it would mirror a to b and that's it, even if a could be maid of multiples drives if you like, so two copy is the limit.

I'm fairly certain you can run a ccd over a ccd. Or, better, raid over

I will continue to read on it.

In the worst case, create an IPsec mesh (i.e., one connection per
server). It will take care of quite a few issues.

Yes, but then the simplicity is going away doesn't it? Not that it is bad, but OpenBSD reinforce on my the golden rules. KISS. So, if there was/is a simpler and more secure solutions, I would go for it. Don't get me wrong, not that I think this is bad, it sure is great! But may be I ws/am looking for a bit more.

That being said, I don't think there is a really good solution to what
you want to do. drbd looked promising, some time ago, but is

Yeap. And you bet I am not going to switch! (;>

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