On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 06:49:25PM -0400, Ken M wrote:
> Been looking around and can't find the answer to this question. If I missed it
> in some obvious place please excuse me.
> Anyway I am curious if sndio can support multiple simultaneous cards, either
> identical or different, particularly multiple standards compliant USB audio
> interfaces. Basically I am asking if it supports similar features to what one
> might use zita with jack on a linux system.

This doesn't work with sndio. It's difficult to make work because each
audio interface would use its own clock source, and clocks would drift
sooner or later. Drift may be corrected, but this would cost
additional latency, complexity and (probably) quality problems.

That's why certain devices have a "word clock", to allow audio devices
to by synchronized; OpenBSD doesn't support any of them, but
supporting them looks much easier than combining multiple devices.

Nowadays many-channel devices are common, so supporting multiple cards
as one isn't that important, is it?

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