On Sun, 15 Jul 2018 17:59:58 -0700, Scott Vanderbilt wrote:

> In /etc/mail/aliases, there is the following note:
> #     >>>>>>>>>>      The program "newaliases" must be run after
> #     >> NOTE >>      this file is updated for any changes to
> #     >>>>>>>>>>      show through to smtpd.

That is correct.

> Yet the man page for newaliases(8) says:
> Note: this utility is provided for sendmail compatibility. The 
> preferred way of rebuilding the database is withmakemap(8) 
> <https://man.openbsd.org/makemap.8>:

This is bad advices that should be removed.  It is only true if
using db files for aliases.  When using a flat file for aliases,
you should use newaliases, which will notify smtpd that the file
has changed.

> Taking the note in the man page at face value, I would expect that the 
> note in /etc/mail/aliases is now out-of-date, is it not? Or am I 
> overlooking something?

It is the other way around.

 - todd

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