On 2018 Sep 05 (Wed) at 12:12:05 +0200 (+0200), Stefan Wollny wrote:
:Hi there,
:I am a little bit confused: Do I read the docs correct assuming that
:defining a join-list in /etc/hostname.<if> and wpa_supplicant are
:mutually exclusive?
:I have set up a join-list and now I need to attach to a network where I
:can only login with credetials "user" and "user-password"...
:Kind regards,

Hi Stefan

While they are not mutually exclusive, more work will need to be done in
wpa_supplicant to make this a transparent exercise.  While I'm not a
regular user of wpa_supplicant, if you restart wpa_supplicant once you
are connected to an 802.1X network it should work.

Brain fried -- Core dumped

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