> On 8. Sep 2018, at 19:55, Ken M <k...@mack-z.com> wrote:


> 1. Is it still current information that it would be better to use my own
> image/install/iso for openbsd on Vultr?

I’ve run general purpose OpenBSD boxes on Vultr for several years, mostly for 
development while travelling and without access to my basement stacks, each on 
-current (initially installed from OpenBSD FTP servers) and then upgraded every 
week or two using ramdisks from snapshots. I’ve never tried Vultr’s own baked 
images so I can’t comment on them. However, I’ve never had any problems 
maintaining my methodology in which both new installs as well as upgrades can 
be completed in a few minutes.

> 2. Is vultr a good place to host an openbsd box? If not interested in hearing
> alternatives.

Uptime can sometimes be unreliable (I run hosts from Vultr’s European locations 
only, mostly Amsterdam and Frankfurt), network “maintenance” being quite 
frequent. However, given that I am not using Vultr for critical services, I’m 
prepared to accept this minor irritation when weighed against cost. For 
important hosts that I rely upon for mail, OpenVPN, DNS, etc., I use Exoscale 
and find the slightly higher costs well worth it.



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