> It's not a shortcut,

This, as many things in this world, completely depend on the point of view.

One can not simply say "this is this" or "this is not this", without sufficient 
background information and overall understanding of the situation as a whole.

> it is how it's done.

Again: "how it is done" depends completely on the situation, the people and the 
technology involved, etc.
> It is not cheating, or
> dodging or anything,

Did I say something that made you think the opposite?

> the docs are very clear on that for any
> non-trivial situation where you want to go to -current,

Dear Janne, I warmly recommend you should broaden the way you look into 
situations like this.

You're clearly taking it all from a "tech first" perspective.

In real life, and especially when companies (and customers) are involved, it's 
not all just about tech, and how things are done are definitely not defined by 
any single software vendor, operating system etc. Many other factors come into 
play as well, and taking a "you just haven't read the rules" approach only 
makes you look a bit simple.

> you start with
> upgrading into as recent snapshot as possible, then build from there.

Having made my first OpenBSD mailing list post at around 2003 and having 
maintained hundreds of OpenBSD servers for years -- don't you think I might by 
now know, how the official recommended process goes?

There are specific reasons to why I'm not following the official process 100%.

You may agree or disagree on the reasons and the conclusions, but you can't 
make the world function as you would like to by simply repeating "it has been 
written". Many have tried that and I haven't seen a single success this far.

> Period.


>  It's fine if you want to waste your own time, but this is the
> one single method of getting out of many holes, like yours.

It is also perfectly fine if you want to ignore how the real world functions, 
and/or give a super irritating / dislikable impression of yourself and your 
personality. To give you back just a little, it certainly seems you know your 
holes well enough.


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