On Fri, 23 Nov 2018 at 19:48:04 +0100, Jan Betlach wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to sync my media libraries via Syncthing with other machine.
> However Syncthing on OBSD complains about "too many open files" and refuses
> therefore to scan and synchronize the folder.
> I have increased sysctl kern.maxfiles as well as openfiles-max for the
> staff group (of which the user is a member) in login.conf. Probably still
> not enough.
> What are safe maximal values for both (kern.maxfiles and openfiles-max) to
> use?


Newer versions of syncthing use kqueue by default to watch for file 
changes which ends up using a couple file descriptors 

You may be better off just disabling this on large shared folders 
and go back to periodic scanning.  This can be done through the web 
interface by clicking on the folder, then Edit, then Advanced, then 
uncheck 'Watch for Changes'.


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