I've finally decided to keep ppp0 in default kernel's rdomain 0.

It seems more efficient is to move em0 into rdomain 1 and start all the
services related to em0 using rtable 1.

But one question. How to keep OpenVPN functionality for em0 in rdomain 1?

# cat /etc/hostname.tap0

description 'conn1'
!/usr/bin/env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
/usr/local/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/server.conf

Does it work, if I changed last row to:

!/sbin/route -T1 exec /usr/bin/env
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin/openvpn --config

On 12/10/2018 12:56 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2018-12-09, Denis <den...@mindall.org> wrote:
>> Stuck when running cvsync in rdomain 1. It seems cvsync does not using
>> second routing table because of pf.conf misconfiguration or something.
>> em0 as a main ISP channel, ppp0 works as reserved wireless ISP channel.
>> Some system services like cvsync, git, ntp should use second routing
>> table (rtable 1) assigned to ppp0.
>> # route -T1 exec cvsync -c /etc/cvsync.conf
>> Connecting to cvsync_server_remote_IP port 7777
>> host cvsync_server_remote_IP port 7777: Can't assing requested address
>> service is not available at cvsync_server_remote_IP port 7777
>> --- configs
>> # cat /etc/hostname.em0
>> rdomain 0
>> dhcp
>> # cat /etc/hostname.ppp0
>> rdomain 1
>> dhcp
> DHCP doesn't run on PPP.
>> # pppd call ISP
>> # ifconfig ppp0
>> ppp0: flags=8051<UP,POINTTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> rdomain 1 mtu 1500
>>      index 7 priority 0 llprio 3
>>      grups: ppp
>>      inet ISP_ppp0_gateway --> local_ppp0_IP netmask 0xffffffc0
>> # route -T1 show
>> local_ppp0_IP                ISP_ppp0_gateway_IP     UH      Prio 8 ppp0
>> ISP_ppp0_gateway_IP  ISP_ppp0_gateway_IP     UHl     Prio 1 ppp0
> No default route. Perhaps you need to run pppd in rdomain 1?
>> # cat /etc/pf.conf
>> ...
>> match out on rdomain 0 from lo0 to any nat-to (em0) port 1024:65535 rtable 0
>> match out on rdomain 1 from lo0 to any nat-to (ppp0) port 1024:65535
>> rtable 1
>> ...
>> pass out quick on ppp0 inet proto tcp from (ppp0) to any port 7777 flags
>> S/SA modulate state queue cvs
>> ...
> As an aside, I would recommend using rsync rather than cvsync - many
> of the repo mirrors offer this, it's noted on cvsync.html. cvsync is
> fragile and frequently breaks.

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