you can create a new dir under /var/www, eg. /var/www/mytmp, set the
permissions to 1700 and ownership to your php user and then add the
following in /etc/php-fpm.conf to use it:

env[TMP] = /mytmp
env[TMPDIR] = /mytmp
env[TEMP] = /mytmp
php_admin_value[upload_tmp_dir] = /mytmp

I usually run each virtual host under its own user with its own tmp
directory, on my php servers.

On Thu (13/12/18), johnw wrote:
> Hi, I want to run php-fpm as other did than www, but non www uid, cannot 
> write session file to /var/www/tmp.
> (Is it good or bad, to run different uid?)
> Why the /var/www/tmp permission is 1700?
> Is it possible make /var/www/tmp permission 1777 by default?
> Thanks.
> Key fingerprint: CDB3 6C62 254B C088 1E5D DD32 182C 97DB CF2C 80AC

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