Den fre 14 dec. 2018 kl 03:58 skrev Philip Guenther <>:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 10:40 AM Ted Unangst <> wrote:
> > netstat -an tells me I am listening to all the udp.
> >
> > Active Internet connections (including servers)
> > Proto   Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address
> > (state)
> > udp          0      0  *.*                    *.*
> > udp          0      0           *.*
> > udp          0      0  *.*                    *.*
> > udp          0      0  *.5353                 *.*
> > udp          0      0  *.*                    *.*
> >
> > What are those *.* sockets doing? How can you listen to all the ports?
> Those are just UDP sockets on which connect() hasn't been called and that
> aren't in the middle of a recvfrom()  or recvmsg(), no?

Isn't there something inherently weird in listing a lot of things
which "sort -u" would remove?

The streams at the bottom of netstat output are at least unique in some sense:
0xffff800001e50880 stream      0      0                0x0
0xffff800001e50900                0x0                0x0
..even if they might not tell me much more than udp *.*

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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