
Mihai Popescu wrote on Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 07:49:19PM +0200:

> I want to modify the char used for pkg_add (and other pkg_ suite)
> progress bar from "*" to "|" but i am unable to figure out where is
> the actual code for this. I managed to found /usr/sbin/pkg_add but

LOL, thanks for the good laugh.

That's typical for pkg_add(1).  There are few programs in the tree -
even including unmaintained legacy stuff - where it is harder to
find anything.  In pkg_add(1), code for each object is typically
scattered across many files, each file typically mixes code for
many different objects, the filenames almost never correspond to
the names of the objects they implement, and many functions are so
small that they do almost nothing, making call trees hard to unravel.

Have fun hunting your wild geese!

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