On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 01:39:33PM -0600, Aaron Riekenberg wrote:
> I'm using OpenBSD 6.4 on a pcengines apu2 box as a router/firewall for a
> CenturyLink DSL (pppoe) connection.
> Today I set up rd6 for ipv6 for the first time, similar to what is
> described here:
> https://gist.github.com/afresh1/791343380b4410687d51fdd94f20bd42
> Things are working well but one minor issue I notice is when I run "ndp
> -an" to see ipv6 neighbor info I get an error printed to stderr from ndp:
> [aaron@apu2] ~$ ndp -an
> Neighbor                             Linklayer Address   Netif Expire    S
> Flags
> ndp: ioctl(SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6): Invalid argument
> ndp: failed to get neighbor information

Are you sure ndp and the kernel are in sync ?

> This is followed by normal ndp output lines so this seems like a very minor
> bug, but is slightly noisy.
> Below I am pasting:
> 1. ktrace output for the "ndp -an" command.  Looks like
> ioctl(SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6) is being called on a SOCK_DGRAM socket.  ioctl
> returns -1 with errno 22 Invalid Argument.
> 2. ifconfig output
> 1. ktrace output from "ndp -an" command:
>   9697 ndp      CALL  socket(AF_INET6,0x2<SOCK_DGRAM>,0)
>   9697 ndp      RET   socket 3
>   9697 ndp      CALL
>  sysctl(<net.route.>,0,0x7f7ffffee808,0,0)
>   9697 ndp      RET   sysctl 0
>   9697 ndp      CALL
>  sysctl(<net.route.>,0x133e91ee1a00,0x7f7ffffee808,0,0)
>   9697 ndp      RET   sysctl 0
>   9697 ndp      CALL  kbind(0x7f7ffffee7c8,24,0xd76384b171042686)
>   9697 ndp      RET   kbind 0
>   9697 ndp      CALL  ioctl(3,SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6,0x133c63e05100)
>   9697 ndp      RET   ioctl -1 errno 22 Invalid argument
>   9697 ndp      CALL  kbind(0x7f7ffffee7c8,24,0xd76384b171042686)
>   9697 ndp      RET   kbind 0
>   9697 ndp      CALL  write(2,0x7f7ffffee050,0x5)
>   9697 ndp      GIO   fd 2 wrote 5 bytes
>        "ndp: "
>   9697 ndp      RET   write 5
>   9697 ndp      CALL  write(2,0x7f7ffffee140,0x17)
>   9697 ndp      GIO   fd 2 wrote 23 bytes
>        "ioctl(SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6)"
> 2. ifconfig:
> [aaron@apu2] ~$ ifconfig
> lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 32768
>         index 5 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: lo
>         inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
>         inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
>         inet netmask 0xff000000
>         lladdr 00:0d:b9:4b:17:10
>         index 1 priority 0 llprio 3
>         media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex)
>         status: active
>         lladdr 00:0d:b9:4b:17:11
>         index 2 priority 0 llprio 3
>         media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex,rxpause,txpause)
>         status: active
>         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>         inet6 fe80::813b:5c49:d64b:f9fc%em1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
>         inet6 2602:d8:a032:2200::1 prefixlen 64
> em2: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>         lladdr 00:0d:b9:4b:17:12
>         index 3 priority 0 llprio 3
>         media: Ethernet autoselect (none)
>         status: no carrier
> enc0: flags=0<>
>         index 4 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: enc
>         status: active
>         index 6 priority 0 llprio 3
>         dev: vlan201 state: session
>         sid: 0x25d PADI retries: 4 PADR retries: 0 time: 04:57:57
>         sppp: phase network authproto chap
>         groups: pppoe egress
>         status: active
>         inet --> netmask 0xffffffff
> vlan201: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>         lladdr 00:0d:b9:4b:17:10
>         index 7 priority 0 llprio 3
>         encap: vnetid 201 parent em0
>         groups: vlan
>         media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex)
>         status: active
> pflog0: flags=141<UP,RUNNING,PROMISC> mtu 33136
>         index 8 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: pflog
> gif0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1472
>         index 9 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: gif egress
>         tunnel: inet -> ttl 64 nodf
>         inet6 fe80::e39e:d302:d26:902f%gif0 ->  prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x9
>         inet6 2602:d8:a032:2200::1 ->  prefixlen 24

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