Hello Guys and happy news year to all !

I have recently setups a news BGP router for peering purpose using OpenBSD.

In order to do input filtering I have tried to use an as-set looking like that :

## use as-set to reject bogon AS number
as-set bogon-as { 0 23456 64496-131071 64512-65534 65535 65536-65551 65552-131071 4200000000-4294967295 4294967295 }

But this configuration did not work.

It seems that bgpd cannot handle as rang in as-set unlike the filter directive.

As anyone tries that before me ? Can you confirm that filter is the best solution for now ?

I have fallen back on this configuration :

## use filter to reject bogon AS numbers
deny quick from any AS 0 # reserved [RFC7607] deny quick from any AS 23456 # AS_TRANS [RFC6793] deny quick from any AS 64496 - 131071 # reserved for documentation [RFC5398] deny quick from any AS 64512 - 65534 # reserved for private usage [RFC5398] deny quick from any AS 65535 # reserved [RFC7300] deny quick from any AS 65536 - 65551 # reserved for documentation [RFC5398]
deny quick from any AS 65552 - 131071                # reserved by IANA
deny quick from any AS 4200000000 - 4294967295 # reserved for private usage [RFC6996] deny quick from any AS 4294967295 # reserved [RFC7300]

Best Regards,

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