On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 16:07:43 -0800, Misc User
<open...@leviathanresearch.net> wrote:

> Doing some work on it the other day, I noticed it opens a pretty big 
> command injection hole if pfctl doesn't kill the connection before
> the connecting source gets a chance to send data.  An attacker could
> connect to the port and send the string "Ncat: Connection from
>\ && <do things>" and whatever it uses for <do things>
> will be done by a privileged account (At least one with permissions
> to add entries to pf's tables)
> I tested it using a telnet client connecting to one of the arbitrary 
> ports I set up.  So I've been trying to figure out a better way to do 
> this.  There has to be, maybe something with tcpdump.
> I'm looking into patching ncat to have a flag where the -v option 
> doesn't output packet content, and only outputs packet metadata. 
> Probably also clean up what it outputs to produce a 'honeypot' mode
> or something friendly to chaining to a firewall control program.

I'm truly amazed that you just realized you enabled people to run code
on your machine with a privileged user, and instead of dropping the
gun, you're like "maybe if I hold it with two hands, I won't shoot
myself in the foot again".

People say "don't roll your own crypto" but it seems it applies to
honeypot software too.

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