Mark( on 2019.01.28 20:24:36 +0000:
> Hello everyone,
> I've set up another interface for local services, as I would like to
> have internal firewall rules. Using lo0 is problematic as it's what
> everything else uses.
> I can't, however, ping the IPv6 addresses I added:
> # ping6 ::2
> PING ::2 (::2): 56 data bytes

::2/128 is not a valid ipv6 address. In IPv6 there is only one address for
localhost, ::1.

If you need other local addresses on lo1, either use the automatically
added link-local address (fe80::1%lo1) or set a unique local address

$ doas ifconfig lo1 inet6 alias fd00::2/64
$ ping6 fd00::2
PING fd00::2 (fd00::2): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fd00::2: icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=0.153 ms


> ^ this hangs
> So does this: # ping6 ::2
> ::1 works fine:
> # ping6 ::1
> PING ::1 (::1): 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=0.369 ms
> 64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=4 hlim=64 time=0.340 ms
> ^C
> --- ::1 ping statistics ---
> 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
> round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.180/0.362/0.481/0.104 ms
> Here is /etc/hostname.lo1:
> #inet
> inet
> inet alias
> #inet6 ::1 128
> inet6 ::2 128
> inet6 alias ::3 128
> pf.conf has nothing concerning lo1. Issue persists if pf is disabled.
> Here's ifconfig:
> lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 32768
>         index 3 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: lo
>         inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
>         inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
>         inet netmask 0xff000000
>         lladdr fa:16:3e:35:ba:80
>         index 1 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: egress
>         media: Ethernet autoselect
>         status: active
>         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>         inet6 fe80::c4d0:8bc6:3c06:9c91%vio0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
>         inet6 2001:41d0:801:2000::cbb prefixlen 64
> enc0: flags=0<>
>         index 2 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: enc
>         status: active
> lo1: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 32768
>         index 4 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: lo
>         inet netmask 0xff000000
>         inet6 fe80::1%lo1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
>         inet6 ::2 prefixlen 128
>         inet6 ::3 prefixlen 128
> pflog0: flags=141<UP,RUNNING,PROMISC> mtu 33136
>         index 5 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: pflog
> Here's route -n show:
> Routing tables
> Internet:
> Destination        Gateway            Flags   Refs      Use   Mtu  Prio
> Iface
> default           UGS       18     1416     -     8
> vio0
> 224/4              URS        0        0 32768     8
> lo0
> 51.38.80/24       UCn        1        0     -     4
> vio0
>         32:7a:6c:96:dc:ff  UHLch      2       73     -     3
> vio0
>       fa:16:3e:35:ba:80  UHLl       0     4100     -     1
> vio0
>       UHb        0        0     -     1
> vio0
> 127/8              UGRS       0        0 32768     8
> lo0
>          UHhl      47     6876 32768     1
> lo0
>          UHl        4      388 32768     1
> lo1
>          UHl        0        0 32768     1
> lo1
>         UGHD       1     1382     - L   8
> vio0
> Internet6:
> Destination                        Gateway                        Flags
>  Refs      Use   Mtu  Prio Iface
> default                            2001:41d0:801:2000::1          UGS
>     2      466     -     8 vio0
> ::/96                              ::1                            UGRS
>     0        2 32768     8 lo0
> ::1                                ::1                            UHhl
>    10       30 32768     1 lo0
> ::2                                ::2                            UHl
>     0        4 32768     1 lo1
> ::3                                ::3                            UHl
>     0        6 32768     1 lo1
> ::ffff:                  ::1                            UGRS
>     0        0 32768     8 lo0
> 2001:41d0:801:2000::/64            2001:41d0:801:2000::cbb        UCn
>     1        0     -     4 vio0
> 2001:41d0:801:2000::1              32:7a:6c:96:dc:ff              UHLch
>     1       52     -     3 vio0
> 2001:41d0:801:2000::cbb            fa:16:3e:35:ba:80              UHLl
>     0      474     -     1 vio0
> 2002::/24                          ::1                            UGRS
>     0        0 32768     8 lo0
> 2002:7f00::/24                     ::1                            UGRS
>     0        0 32768     8 lo0
> 2002:e000::/20                     ::1                            UGRS
>     0        0 32768     8 lo0
> 2002:ff00::/24                     ::1                            UGRS
>     0        0 32768     8 lo0
> fe80::/10                          ::1                            UGRS
>     0        2 32768     8 lo0
> fec0::/10                          ::1                            UGRS
>     0        0 32768     8 lo0
> fe80::%vio0/64                     fe80::c4d0:8bc6:3c06:9c91%vio0 UCn
>     1        2     -     4 vio0
> fe80::307a:6cff:fe96:dcff%vio0     32:7a:6c:96:dc:ff              UHLc
>     0      153     -     3 vio0
> fe80::c4d0:8bc6:3c06:9c91%vio0     fa:16:3e:35:ba:80              UHLl
>     0       22     -     1 vio0
> fe80::1%lo0                        fe80::1%lo0                    UHl
>     0        0 32768     1 lo0
> fe80::1%lo1                        fe80::1%lo1                    UHl
>     0        0 32768     1 lo1
> ff01::/16                          ::1                            UGRS
>     0        2 32768     8 lo0
> ff01::%vio0/32                     fe80::c4d0:8bc6:3c06:9c91%vio0 Um
>     0        1     -     4 vio0
> ff01::%lo0/32                      fe80::1%lo0                    Um
>     0        1 32768     4 lo0
> ff01::%lo1/32                      fe80::1%lo1                    Um
>     0        2 32768     4 lo1
> ff02::/16                          ::1                            UGRS
>     0        2 32768     8 lo0
> ff02::%vio0/32                     fe80::c4d0:8bc6:3c06:9c91%vio0 Um
>     0        1     -     4 vio0
> ff02::%lo0/32                      fe80::1%lo0                    Um
>     0        1 32768     4 lo0
> ff02::%lo1/32                      fe80::1%lo1                    Um
>     0        2 32768     4 lo1
> Any help is greatly appreciated.


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