On 2/2/19 8:06 pm, Rachel Roch wrote:
> I'm looking for a decent machine with enterprisey features (i.e. hotswap PSU 
> + drives, high-efficiency power,and high quality ipmi/ilo). I'm not chained 
> to Dell if anyone better ideas, but have had good experience with Dell.
> I've contemplated Supermicro machines, but quite frankly what I've read 
> online about the quality of their iLO leaves a lot to be desired (combined 
> with the fact my 'friendly local reseller' tells me their iLO still requires 
> Java).

Not sure what you mean by iLO… Google tells me that's the International
Labour Organisation.  Probably not what you meant.

I've found some of the Dell systems which feature iDRAC, the ability to
log into the host from the iDRAC interface via a virtual console is
considered an "enterprise" feature that you had to pay additional money
for (even though the hardware was present).

Supermicro's management interface worked pretty well for my needs… I've
been able to interact with the host and do things like mount ISO images
from my laptop which then appear to the host as a USB CD-ROM drive.
Apparently it can do this over SMB too, I've never tested.

Both the Dell iDRAC and Supermicro's management interface seem to use
Java Web Start to implement the virtual console.  That's about the only
place I've seen it used on either.

One day I might have a fiddle and see if Java can be "done away with",
but since it's rare to need such a feature and it works fine with
IcedTea JVM (which is open source), I put up with it.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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