On Fri, Feb 08, 2019 at 12:02:50PM -0600, Mike Coddington wrote:
> Last night I screwed up my /tmp directory's permissions. I fixed it by
> looking at another machine's permissions and editing the directory with
> chmod(1). Is there a tool in OpenBSD which would work better than this?
> I'm fortunate enough to have more than one machine running OpenBSD, but
> if I didn't this could have been more of a problem for me.
> Any good tricks the list would like to share? Is there a canonical
> source for where permissions/ownership is listed? I tried searching MARC
> but as you might imagine there are a lot of results that come back for
> this sort of thing.

This should tell you when permissions are wrong

  doas mtree -f /etc/mtree/4.4BSD.dist -p / -e

The -u option can be used to fix any issues, but I'm not very familiar with
mtree so I'd be hesitant to use it to modify anything; I'd just fix it

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