
On 2019-02-18 09:04, ropers wrote:
vi(1) has a feature where pressing ESC while in command-line mode
(i.e. entering an ex command in command mode) will sometimes cancel
the current line of ex input, but other times will have the same
effect as if the user had pressed return.

I'm not an expert, but this behavior seems to be in line with POSIX [1] requirements:


If input was part of a line-oriented command:

If interrupt was entered, text input mode shall be terminated and the editor shall return to command mode. The terminal shall be alerted.

If <ESC> was entered, text input mode shall be terminated and the command shall continue execution with the input provided.

Otherwise, terminate text input mode and return to command mode.

In nvi, it is consistent among all line-oriented commands (:, /, ? and !).

Just my 2 cents

[1] http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/

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