Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I like Netdisco for this.
It uses SNMP to query network routers, switches, and access points,
and dumps out their TCAM as well as ARP tables into a Database in
order to preserve a history of not only what MAC Address was mapped to
what IP Address, but also what switchport or Access Point it was
attached to.

It uses an external PostgreSQL Database, and is written in Perl.
As far as I know, it is not available in any Packaged form for
OpenBSD, but I assume is probably manually installable.

It's great for tracking down if a device drops off the network, and
being able to track down where it last was plugged in.

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 12:42 PM <> wrote:
> > I would like to keep tabs on the MAC/IP addresses in my secure net.
> > I do know how to do this, but keeping track of ethernet MAC addresses
> > seems
> > quite cumbersome in OpenBSD, not that it is more convenient in any
> > other
> > general purpose operating system but many interfaces for ex. routers
> > make it
> > easy to manage, especially MAC filtering.
> >
> > At the moment we have:
> >
> > /etc/ethers file #not the same as arp -s and arp -f !!
> > arp -a output
> > arp -s and arp -f input # not the same as /etc/ethers!!
> The apps in ports don't seem to do what you (or I) want.  After looking
> them over,
> in the end I wrote a sh script to compare `arp -an` output with a list
> of "known" MACs, and it would notice when a new MAC appeared or an
> existing
> MAC disappeared (most everything is on a wireless DHCP so lots of
> transient
> behaviour).
> When a new one appears, or an existing one disappears, it logs to
> syslog.
> Previously unseen MACs are logged slightly differently, so the network
> management
> app can issue an alert.
> In general I think the average home network is approximately similar or
> even more
> complex than a simple small business network.  So lots of management
> features
> are worthwhile: segmentation, MAC and IP surveillance, and a network
> management
> app.
> --J

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