Hi there, many years that i don't use this ml. I'm Riccardo writing from
Spain, nice to meet you guys.

First of all, many compliments for the exceptional hard work that you've
done in the OpenBSD development. Just, thank you.

Next a possible bug:

In the OpenBSD dhcrelay(8) implementation i cannot find an option to
specify different interfaces in a single daemon instance, try to image a
router with multiple vlans and a dhcpd server in other machine in an
internal service dedicated routed ip network segment.

The first instance is executed by the command:

rcctl enable dhcrelay
rcctl set dhcrelay flags "-i vlanxxx DST_ADDR"

The second one i've done this workaround:

cd /etc/rc.d
cp -p dhcrelay dhcrelay_second
rcctl enable dhcrelay_second
rcctl set dhcrelay_second flags "-i vlanyyy DST_ADDR"

Now if i open a tcpdump session in the router and in the server and i
configure correctly the dhcpd in the server i notice that traffic from the
dhcrelay_second to the dhclient host in the vlanyyy isn't correctly
forwarded. And it is not a pf problem.

The strangeness is that if i don't execute the relay from rcctl but i
execute with:

dhcrelay_second -d -i vlanyyy DST_ADDR

it works like a charm.

If you want more debug or pcap files or access to the machines there's no
problem at all.

Thank you to spend your time, nice regards,


Name: Riccardo Giuntoli
Email: tag...@gmail.com
Location: Canyelles, BCN, EspaƱa
PGP Key: 0x67123739
PGP Fingerprint: CE75 16B5 D855 842FAB54 FB5C DDC6 4640 6712 3739
Key server: hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net

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