Please disregard, after a reboot, it all now loads, not that of course the sensor based extensions function but they can be tweaked to support OpenBSD instead of Linux, I'm sure.

Sorry for the noise,


On 15/04/2019 08:26, Noth wrote:

  I'm trying to extend the GNOME desktop with some extensions (openweather, freon, dash-to-dock, no-title-bar). I installed the chrome-shell-extension package and the gnome plugin for both firefox and iridium and yet the site complains it can't talk to the desktop. I've tried installing manually to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ the various zip archive contents, respecting directory names so they match the extension's name in metadata.json. Only OpenWeather has worked so far, I can't work out why the others aren't showing up in gnome-tweaks. Googling barely got me anywhere apart from information on manually installing.

Hopefully someone has an idea how to fix this? Haven't tried gnome on openbsd in a couple of years so don't remember if the extensions worked or not back then.



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