Hello dear OpenBSD folks, how're you guys? I'm fine working a little bit
with our favorite OS.

I'm following the white rabbit doing a PTP IPsec between an old WindowsXP
virtual machine to complain QSL operations (
https://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/speclab/settings.htm#special_drivers) and a new
OpenBSD macppc 6.4-stable.

To doing this i've done a samba sharing between the two machines, obviously
the XP is in a internal VLAN without Internet. I want to protect the
broadcast domain with an IPSEC implementation and i'm reading this old


When it speak of XP keys and certificate it write about "certpatch":

 certpatch -t fqdn

I found it here:


But i cannot find it in the new OpenBSD tree or in the NetBSD one.

What is the cutting edge implementation nowadays?

Nice Regards,


Name: Riccardo Giuntoli
Email: tag...@gmail.com
Location: Canyelles, BCN, EspaƱa
PGP Key: 0x67123739
PGP Fingerprint: CE75 16B5 D855 842FAB54 FB5C DDC6 4640 6712 3739
Key server: hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net

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